
The Sleep Problem.

Sleep is a big deal…. no one functions well without a decent amount of it! 

It can mean the difference from enjoying your time as a parent or not. Coping with going back to work and maintaining your career, and your relationship being strained or easy.

In the beginning you’re up every two hours to feed, running on adrenaline… sometimes feeling wired and other times crashing like you could sleep for weeks. It’s a rollercoaster. But, your post baby hormones (and hopefully helpful family members) get you through. You do whatever you can to get your little one to nod off but there comes a time that all the rocking, feeding, jiggling and bouncing just isn’t feasible anymore.

 I can help you gradually transition your little one to more independent sleep using holistic and responsive methods.

Then there’s getting on the right routines, weaning the night feeds at appropriate times, stopping the use of other unhelpful sleep crutches, dealing with scheduling needs as they grow and other developmental changes to name a few.

It can feel very overwhelming to know what to do for the best and I’ve got the knowledge and experience to guide you through…

The process

I believe there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to sleep coaching. I offer a bespoke plan and one-to-one support for every family I work with. I offer a free discovery call so you can find out a bit about me and how I work, and you can tell me about what you are currently going through. I will then ask you to fill out a detailed form which helps to build up an inclusive and holistic picture of all of your needs. This information informs me when I write your plan and takes into consideration family dynamics, feeding, environmental factors, child temperament and parental philosophy. The plan will be sent with any supporting documents for you to look through before we have a video call to discuss it in detail. Then we set a date to start the process and I will be available for phone calls and support over WhatsApp for two weeks.

About me-

I’m Daisy Hall, the founder, sleep consultant and childcare expert. With a background in child development and years of hands-on experience, I’ve made it my mission to assist families in achieving the sleep they deserve. I understand the importance of compassionate non-judgemental support and evidence-based solutions, and I’m here to provide just that.

Former nanny of 20 years and certified sleep consultant, I trained in Early years education in Brighton working and later managing pre-schools before moving to London to become a private nanny and governess.

I studied for a Bsc in Psychology at Goldsmiths University specialising in developmental psychology and parental practices. I trained as a certified OCN Holistic Sleep Coach in 2020 and have since helped many families with a with a wide range of sleep problems.

I am a mother to Roxy and spend my time in between London and Brighton. I believe that anyone should be able to access help if they need it. I offer reduced rate packages for people on benefits or in financial hardship.

My mission is simple: to empower families with the knowledge and confidence they need to establish healthy sleep habits for their children. I am dedicated to helping parents and caregivers navigate the often complex world of children’s sleep, offering guidance that’s tailored to your unique family.


Discovery Call

Not everyone has the same needs or life circumstances. In fact, it’s hard to find two people who benefit from the exact same plan for their family’s wellness. Let’s get to know each other and make sure we’re all on the same page.


Bespoke Plan And Two Week Follow up Support

Bespoke plan taylored to your child and family’s needs. Includes written document with all information and supporting infographics/instructions. Video call to discuss issue and to go over plan before starting. Two weeks WhatsApp and telephone support.


Troubleshooting Call

For previous clients that have had success with a plan but need help with a new problem and/or scheduling issues.For new clients on a budget who are happy to impliment changes without support.No written plan given.

Why I do what I do.

I believe that if you can get sleep right, so many other things can fall into place and parenting is hard enough already without the sleep deprivation.

 No child is the same, no parenting journey is the same and sleep affects child development in every area. Combine this with the ever more fractious parenting narrative on and offline, many parents feel torn and frazzled, unable to see what direction is right for their family. Online oversaturation of opinions and often conflicting information leads to parental confusion and self-doubt leaving famlies stuck in situations work for them with no end in sight. 

This is where I come in…

I can give you the confidence and tools to make the changes you need and stay with you through the process. 

So many parents get in touch after working together to tell me how sleep training has affected their work life, their family life and their mental and physical health for the better… Getting sleep sorted literally changes lives!

I aim to be a calm and steady beacon of light who will map out the path to get you to a place where everyone is thiving. I’ll be there to support you through the whole process and give you the confidence that you can do it and be consistent.

Often parents find they have different views on how to transition to independent sleep and I can mediate these differences and get you to a place where you can both agree on the plan going forward.

I use evidence based techniques and look holistically at environmental and behavioral factors, diet and health as well as family systems when creating a bespoke plan. There is no one size fits all approach just as no one family is alike. 

What is sleep

Sleep coaching aims to get the infant or child going to sleep independently in their own safe sleep space with no parental input bar a good routine. I also help with a whole host of other things that improve and infants or child’s sleep.

Different techniques and methods will be suitable for different families. Often combining techniques works the best…

There are methods that have more parental input than others. The more responsive methods take a little more time, but even with the slowest and most responsive methods it is likely that a child will protest (cry) the change in sleeping arrangements. This is because change is confusing and they can’t understand it intellectually. They would rather do things the ‘old’ way! We can support them through these changes and respond to their needs so they realise they can gain confidence in the new way of doing things.

Our job as adults is to set them up for success by making the environment conducive to sleep, making sure all their needs are met and compassionately showing them that they have the ability go to sleep by themselves. We do this responding to them calmly and consistency while they go through the transition. 

My Happy Clients.

I’d like to recommend Daisy, a wonderful sleep consultant who has helped us with our 5 month old baby’s sleep. Our son would only ever contact-nap, hated his bedside cot and would wake for the day at 5am. Daisy had an initial call with us then created a bespoke sleep plan which addressed all our objectives and that we could put into action. She provided weeks of 1:1 support via whatsapp and phone calls and was with us for every step of the process. Without this, I think me and my partner would have given up and gone back to our old ways. The 1:1 support was invaluable. Now our son takes every nap in his cot, wakes up later and has even started to self sooth!

I honestly couldn’t be more grateful to the lovely Daisy for all her help in sleep training our little one. I won't lie, stepping into the unknown and trying a new routine was scary at first, but with Daisy’s support we got through it and looking back it was the best decision we could have made for our family. Sleep has made all the difference and I really feel like I’m able to enjoy the days with my little boy without being exhausted.

Daisy has been amazing at helping us put into practice a sleep plan and routine. We have stuck to it and our baby is now sleeping soundly through the night and having consistently great naps. Daisy is a total pleasure to deal with and made us feel really comfortable in the process. Thank you Daisy!

Daisy has helped us with a new bedtime routine to get our 2 year old settle down to sleep, which is something he was really struggling with. He is now much calmer in his bed and able to go to sleep more quickly than before. Definitely recommend!

If you’re looking for help and advice to get your little one to sleep through the night (with no stress) then Daisy is your lady! She’s quick to respond to messages, friendly and very supportive. Our one year old now goes down to sleep quickly and easily and sleeps for up to 12hrs - now we have our evenings back and a happier child child too!

Daisy literally saved us when we thought there was no way out! All of the advice and guidance she gave us worked and it’s clear to see how long she has been dealing with families as she is a wealth of knowledge. Our 6 month old is now sleeping when he should, without any fuss. We have our evenings and sanity back. Thank you so much Daisy!

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