Greetings, parents! As the days grow longer and the promise of spring beckons, there’s one inevitable
event on the horizon that may fill you with dread: the clock change! Yes, that’s right, it’s time to “spring
forward” and adjust our clocks one hour ahead on the 31st of March in the UK. While the extra daylight
may be a welcome change for many, for parents of young children, it can spell chaos for sleep routines.
But fear not, friends, for I am here to guide you through this annual challenge with a bit of ease hopefully!
There are three ways that you can address the clocks change –
1. Do Nothing and Let the Child Gradually Adapt: If you have a very early riser then you can rejoice
and not change anything. Your darling who used to wake up at 6, now wakes up at 7…happy days!
2. Gradually Move Timings by 5-15 Minutes a Day: Another strategy is to proactively adjust your
child’s bedtime and nap times by small increments each day leading up to the clock change. For
example, starting some days before the 31st of March, you could move bedtime forward by 5-15
minutes each night until you reach the desired bedtime. This gradual adjustment can help ease
your child into the new schedule without causing too much disruption to their routine. This
method takes a little planning and commitment but it works the best and has the least chance of
3. Move the Time All at Once: Alternatively, you may choose to move the clock forward by one hour
all at once on the night of the 31st of March. This approach involves making a sudden and
immediate change to your child’s bedtime and nap times to align with the new time. While this
method may be more straightforward and require less planning, it can also be more disruptive for
some children who may struggle to adjust to the sudden change.
Things that can help ease the change for whatever route you take1. Light Exposure: Light plays a crucial role in regulating our body’s internal clock, so be sure to
expose your child to plenty of natural sunlight during the day, especially in the morning. This can
help signal to their body that it’s time to wake up and start the day. Similarly blacking out the
child’s bedroom can work wonders especially in the lighter months of the year.
2. Consistency: Stick to your usual evening/bedtime routine as much as possible. A familiar routine
can help signal to your child that it’s time to wind down and prepare for sleep, making the
transition smoother for everyone involved.
3. Be Patient: Remember that adjusting to the new time may take some time for your child, so be
patient and understanding if they have trouble settling down or seem more tired than usual. Offer
comfort and reassurance as needed, and trust that their sleep patterns will eventually regulate
4. Embrace Flexibility: Above all, be prepared to be flexible and go with the flow. It’s normal for sleep
routines to be temporarily disrupted during the clock change, so don’t be too hard on yourself or
your child if things don’t go according to plan right away.
Top tip – Utilise The Gro Clock or Similar: Get your little used to the concept of the Gro clock from around
two and a half to three years old. Role play!! Getting in bed with the star on the face and up with the sun.
They also have a handy book to read.
I hope you found this useful, get in touch if you have any questions at all.
Until next time, sleep well and sweet dreams! Daisy